Burlesque animated video

Skinny is a short film that watches a young woman's struggle with body image and self esteem. As she contemplates taking drastic measures to change her image she meets a well-rounded person who changes the way she thinks about the size and shape of her body.




Skinny is a personal look into the journey of body acceptance through the expression of burlesque and medium of animation. Since the film’s release, Skinny has played in three film festivals and counting! Including UAT Digital Video Festival and the Coney Island Film Festival.

Sarah Miskoff is an animator who lives and works in New York City and Halifax, Nova Scotia. She has worked on TV shows (Turbo: FAST and Pickle and Peanut), the Documentary Rocky Horror Saved My Life, several animated TEDed segments, and various high-profile commercial projects (Nike, Samsung, Intel, and Mini Boom Speakers).

The 2013 holiday animation “Fruitcake," her collaboration with award winning film maker Leah Shore, was exhibited in the 2014 Animation Block Party in New York City and the 2014 Ottawa International Film Festival in Ottawa, Canada. She is currently working in Halifax, Nova Scotia at Copernicus Studios as a Assistant Animator.

While this video is promoting curvaceous ladies, Burlesque Bible would like to remind you all that ladies of ALL shapes are beautiful. Petite or tall, slim or curvy... 

We know that not only curvy ladies struggle with their body image. However this video is so well done that we had to share it.

We hope you will enjoy this video as much as we did!

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